Frequent questions
How can I place an order?
To place an order, simply add the wines you want to your cart and follow the checkout process. You can pay by credit card on our platform.
Do you ship nationwide?
Yes, we ship to the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Shipping costs are calculated in the shopping cart when you enter your address. When you buy full boxes of 6 wines, which you can choose and combine as you wish, shipping is free. The estimated delivery time in Spain is 72 hours.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship to Europe and the United States.
In Europe you can place your order from France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Sweden, Ireland, Hungary, Estonia, Finland and Switzerland.
In the United States you can place your order from all states except Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Utah, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
If you want to make a purchase from another country, contact us at
What is the estimated delivery time?
The estimated delivery time in Spain is 72 hours, from the next business day after receiving the order through the website.
For Europe it is 7 business days and in the United States it is 3 to 4 weeks.
Is shipping free in Spain for orders over a certain number of bottles or cart value?
Shipping is free for full boxes of 6 bottles in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, which you can combine as you wish.
This means that if, for example, your order is for 8 bottles, shipping for a box of 6 units will be free and you will pay for shipping for the second box. If you decide to complete the order up to 12 units, shipping will be completely free.
What should I do if my order arrives damaged?
If your order arrives damaged, we will refund your money or replace the product. Please take photos of the packaging and the specific damage.
and contact us immediately at so we can resolve it.
How can I find out more about your wines?
Each wine's information sheet offers a presentation, a tasting note, an explanation of its production process and a recommendation for consumption and pairing. In addition, we suggest other wines from its range and other wines of the same colour that we think you might also like.
If you have any questions about a specific product and would like more information, you can write to us at so we can help you.